About me


Name: Sidney Laan
Age: 40
Country: The Netherlands
Employer: Uniserver
Home situation: Engaged with Sietske, four children (two boys and two girls).


IT Background:
My passion for IT started during my childhood. I am very happy, that I have been able to develop my hobby into my profession. Starting as a Helpdesk staff, developed to a Workspace/System engineer and now a Virtualization Consultant. I have been involved in many projects where the main goal was virtualizing the IT environment. With my gained knowledge as a Workspace and Systems engineer I create virtual desktops (VDI) environments. The combination of my expertise, best practices and the business needs, have always characterized my way of working. In the beginning of my career I worked a lot with the Citrix portfolio and since 2017 I have my main focus on the VMware portfolio.